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Compare Date Ranges Page

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Donal McCarthy on 21 Sep 2017 16:35:05

Google Analytics has a very nice feature that allows me to compare two date ranges. When you enable this feature, it overlays the data on the initial report loaded and makes it very easy to see how you are doing compared to selected period.
Achieving something like this seems very difficult in PBI (you can do things like same period last year or last month but ti requires a lot of effort and just is not very flexible).

I am suggesting this as a new page type as this would mean that the page would be smart enough to limit the availability of visuals that would work on such a page.

Comments (1)
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86505674 ae46-4f22-b859-b153af4df712 on 05 Jul 2020 23:30:12

RE: Compare Date Ranges Page

Hi, any update on this? I also faces the same issues, I want to replicate in power BI exactly what GA allows.
for instance, I want to compare a KPI (whatever it is) for two custom periods, let's say:
September 1st - September 18th Vs July 8th - July 27th.
How can I get the +/- % ?