Jossef on 02 Feb 2020 22:43:05
When using Power Bi Service ( there is an option to press the "reset to default" button on the top navigation bar and removing all of the slicers and filters added by the user bringing the report to its default state as it was created by the report editor.
This allow the user to quickly "go back" to the default version of the report.
This functionality doesn't exist with Power Bi Embedded, as for today with power bi embedded there is no way to allow the user such functionality.
We have also try to find a workaround for this issue bu using code samples we see on the power bi JS playground page (
When trying to use this functionality (such as the JS code for "Remove report filters" in the playground page) we discovered it simply dosnt work.
So - as for now, with Power Bi Embedded there is no way to allow user to reset the current report to its default state as can be done with power bi service.