Power Bi personal Bookmarks Not supported With Power Bi Embedded
As for now personal bookmarks are not supported in Power Bi Embedded we got this answer from PBI Support 3-4 days ago. We can see an example for them in the power Bi JS Playground page and it is very confusing as it took us more then a month to discover that Personal Bookmarks are not suppor...
reset to default functionality with Power Bi Embedded
When using Power Bi Service (https://app.powerbi.com/home) there is an option to press the "reset to default" button on the top navigation bar and removing all of the slicers and filters added by the user bringing the report to its default state as it was created by the report editor. This all...
Fixing power bi Embedded JS SDK Tuple filter allowing filtering two Columns inside the same table.
In the documentation it is mentioned that the is a special filter exactly for that call 'Tuple' filter which allow us to filter multiple columns within the same table when using the custom visual hierarchy slicer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DW5NZHTZlPw Tuple filter documentation: ...