Rui Quintino on 27 Aug 2016 22:38:02
Similar to excel.currentworkbook () in Excel/PowerQuery it would be extremely useful to have a CurrentModel () data source in PowerBI Desktop, that allows to get any table (or DAX query) from the existing model, note: the data *before refresh* , not the data from the new execution.
Among others this would allow for easy incremental loads and accumulating snapshot patterns like in the post below.
see here for a sample using Excel PowerQuery;
Incremental data loads in Microsoft Power Query for Excel by Hilmar Buchta
Currently it's already possible to connect using tcp/port but it's hacky, obviously not supported, and won't work in pbi service or without manual setup.
Even if an automatic load incremental appears in the future I think seeing the current model data would still be useful in a lot of ways.
- Comments (1)
RE: Add Current Model (before data refresh) as PowerBI Desktop DataSource
Incremental load is now supported in Power BI.