- Comments (12)
RE: Improve sorting
Agree with Power BI Admin. The Tableau implementation of this feature is simple and intuitive.
We are evaluating moving to Power BI from Tableau, but Tableau's custom sorting option is so much easier to do. The Power BI approach of having to create special sort columns is more of a hack than a feature.
RE: Improve sorting
I would like to see a sort option for items that are in the dataset that are not in the visual. I have been trying to create column charts which have text names on the x-axis and sort them in a custom order. There should be a quick way for my visual to reference a sort order column in my table without me having to add it to the tooltip or values where it is either visible or I have to do an odd workaround to hide the dummy variable data.
RE: Improve sorting
Why not add the sorting functionality from the pie chart to all visualizations?
RE: Improve sorting
Hierarchical sorting mechanism please ...
RE: Improve sorting
You should be, like in Excel, be able to sort a matrix by 1st, 2nd, 3rd key etc.. Preferably to right-click on the columns and choose Ascending-Descending
RE: Improve sorting
I'd like to be able to sort Matrix columns both by the column name, and by the value of the column subtotal.
RE: Improve sorting
I'd like to add a sort column or row to help sort the items properly but then hide the item from the end users.
RE: Improve sorting
Month names are sorted alphabetically in my viz. This is crazy!
RE: Improve sorting
Please can you make custom sorting easier!! Setting up custom sort tables and relationships is very time consuming and not user friendly!! Custom sorting is such a core functionality.
RE: Improve sorting
Enhanced sorting capability is strongly desired as existing business processes and workflows expect to see lists in a defined (mostly custom) order.