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Power BI


Customized buttons

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WoutVDB's profile image

WoutVDB on 11 Jan 2017 16:06:36

It would be nice if there was the possibility to create customized buttons in a report. These buttons can be used as a shortcut to an other report page.

It would also be nice to make this possibilty on visuals (e.g. if you click on a visual you 'll be forwarded towards a report page which contains a detailed static table/matrix about the specific data the visual was providing.

Comments (2)
WoutVDB's profile image Profile Picture

bde772bd d8a5-4da0-acfe-1f17cdab96ce on 05 Jul 2020 23:17:27

RE: Customized buttons

And I would love to see "Export Data" button too.
I have visuals that use line by line job_id data, people like to export them to excel and work on the job_ids, ticking off the ones they've done.

It would make my job a lot easier if they didn't ask me how to export the data all the time (they are not very techie people).

WoutVDB's profile image Profile Picture

3194c18e 9216-4188-8668-c1eb7510224c on 05 Jul 2020 22:37:41

RE: Customized buttons

Yes....would be great navigate between sheets with custom buttons, texts, data, etc...