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Pivot tables and breakdown trees

Vote (2916) Share's profile image on 28 Aug 2016 16:23:48

The current version of Power BI visualsation framework does not support access to the previous levels in a drill-down. I.e. you only get access to the current level when rendering. That makes it very hard to develop visualizations such as pivot tables or breakdown trees. Make this possible and I would gladly submit a stable version of my Breakdown Trees :).

Administrator on 06 Sep 2017 04:02:09

Hi everyone. We've made the new matrix/table generally available so I'm closing this idea. There are still some features that we're considering and you can go add your votes to help prioritize those too:

Comments (109)'s profile image Profile Picture

b0805df3 75ca-4bce-811a-0c93cccaa99f on 05 Jul 2020 22:48:16

RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees

However I have 2 comment on topic
1. Drilling down is a super feature, but when I am down to nth level and suddenly change main Slicer filter (highest level) connected to NEW MATRIX PREVIEW it show nothing and i have to drill up several levels to get to numbers. I understand it depend on model and architecture of levels, but if there is option in interaction mode DRILL UP to HIGHEST LEVEL WHEN CHANGING SLICER it would be perfect.
2) collumn drill down does not work with buttons only right click/ drill down/up's profile image Profile Picture

307f7a11 88c4-4e46-a376-acfa04c88a15 on 05 Jul 2020 22:48:04

RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees

Please add the functionality of a Pivot Table from Excel where I can place values on the rows OR the columns.

Currently all measures must be on columns, so if I wanted to list Sales and profit and costs and hours, etc... by department and Month instead of having 12 month columns across the top, I get those 12 month columns and each of those measures repeated so my page becomes 12 x count of measures wide.

Instead of just doing 12 months and then each measure listing under the row:

I would rather see each Department and under each Department Sales, Profit, Costs, etc... so I can compare them left to right over the months columns.'s profile image Profile Picture

eb845b7b 66b7-4610-b1d4-f31cf081dfd3 on 05 Jul 2020 22:48:00

RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees

Hi Amanda,
Great job with the new matrix and table visuals.
hope it reaches ga soon.
Can you tell me if in the new visuals you plan to enable changing column caption ? if so do you have a time frame ?

thanks's profile image Profile Picture

293fb623 53ae-43a8-aae2-064d84757913 on 05 Jul 2020 22:45:42

RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees

How about letting us set a default initial drill level?'s profile image Profile Picture

c347ebfc eafa-45c3-b161-67fe0d293a8e on 05 Jul 2020 22:45:35

RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees

In the nem matriz, we need to expande to next level, but just in on category.
if you have 10 categorys, sometimes whold be great to just open one or two categories drill's profile image Profile Picture

a068f8ff b444-4cfa-a790-357c99833532 on 05 Jul 2020 22:43:28

RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees

While the stepped layout was big on the wish list, it seems that by using the Matrix Preview I've lost the ability to manually adjust those column widths. Since I had a MTD dashboard which summarizes daily quantity and duration, and default column headings are quite lengthy once you tack "Count of" or "Maximum of" prefix to the field. It leaves a view of only 4-5 days without scrolling to see the full MTD (not a desirable quality in a dashboard, BTW). Wish I had my adjustable column width back -OR- that it was possible to override the column header (with renaming the field, since it's used elsewhere and "#" would not be descriptive or accurate). Unfortunately, I'm back to the old Matrix with filtered rows until this is resolved.'s profile image Profile Picture

99ac9167 4cc5-42f4-bfda-9aeb6a33a17c on 05 Jul 2020 22:43:28

RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees

I agree, having to scroll across is not something my audience is willing to do's profile image Profile Picture

34aa3db7 30fe-452d-9036-9d52df758fd1 on 05 Jul 2020 22:43:06

RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees

Amazing! Could be better with possibility to change text dimension like original matrix's profile image Profile Picture

23ba1643 b428-4de0-a4ac-9431a492160f on 05 Jul 2020 22:43:04

RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees

I LOVE the new matrix preview, a really big step for sure. Wondering if it will be possible to cross filter AND drill in on a second table? For example, I have a sales table on the left that allows me to filter a select customers sales. The table to the right does cross filters to show that customers sub products purchased. I now want to drill in to that second tables selected sub products and see the parts purchased by my selected customer. When I do so, the original customer table seems to loose the filter? Just a thought, i'm sure it's in the mix. Also, being able to determine what gets a sub total and what doesn't would be awesome! Thanks again for this awesome feature! We're already using it in a much asked for drill in report!'s profile image Profile Picture

5c64d560 4791-4059-bc7e-29a6de740101 on 05 Jul 2020 22:42:58

RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees

New matrix looks great, but removing all of the column totals is a deal-breaker. So close, but back to waiting another month (or more).