Zoe on 08 Sep 2016 19:44:02
For reporting from Project 2013 a Risk Matrix would be a really useful visualisation. I have tried creating one using R but need to publish the report and add the matrix to the dashboard.
- Comments (16)
RE: Risk Matrix - Project reporting
The standard scatter chart provides you with a good option. I outlined the approach here: https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Desktop/Risk-matrix-chart-in-Power-BI/m-p/275901/highlight/true#M123038
RE: Risk Matrix - Project reporting
We need a risk matrix
RE: Risk Matrix - Project reporting
Saludos, tengo una situación con una matriz que deseo implementar, espero puedan apoyarme.
La matriz en cuestión es una de Riesgo-Probabilidad, indica el riesgo y su probabilidad de ocurrencia, en la parte media contabiliza la cantidad de actiivdades que han tenido ese riesgo y esa probabilidad, anexo el link con el archivo pbix y Excel, el pbix contiene una imagen de como debería quedar al final.
Agradecería cualquier ayuda o comentario que me puedan proporcionar. Gracias
RE: Risk Matrix - Project reporting
Esta sería la matriz resultante:
RE: Risk Matrix - Project reporting
I have developed a Risk Matrix using PowerBI and Excel Plug-inns. It is working what we need.
RE: Risk Matrix - Project reporting
I can control my colours in each cell... any one interest I can share the techniques
RE: Risk Matrix - Project reporting
I strongly believe this could be a potential asset for Powerbi.
Another application of this Risk Matrix could be for designing Kraljic Matrix, really useful in Procurement/Purchasing.
Here a short brief:
RE: Risk Matrix - Project reporting
A risk matrix custom visual would be great, with consequence/likelihood scale and ability to set up colour and rating required (i.e. flexible). Big push for risk management and effective visuals for organisations. The suggested work around with matrix image (designed in Excel) in a scatter plot not ideal, and messy with labels, etc.
RE: Risk Matrix - Project reporting
Really need a good risk matrix so we can replace Tableau!
RE: Risk Matrix - Project reporting
I've set up a risk register in O365 SharePoint; would love to be able to publish the results in Power BI.