Power BI
CompletedSupport changing the primary email / Support sending email to alternate email addresses
Ajay Anandan on 10 Apr 2015 01:44:06
Right now with Power BI, I can have emails sent only to my primary email. I need to the provision to add an alternate email address that can be used to contact me. This is very important if I am using an "OnMicrosoft" email address
- Comments (2)
RE: Support changing the primary email / Support sending email to alternate email addresses
Was this change made? I cannot see any way to set an alternate email for the refresh 'alerts's. Was this only for the threshold 'alerts's?
RE: Support changing the primary email / Support sending email to alternate email addresses
Is this really, actually, completed? I have essentially the same issue.
How can we associate a "user@mycompany.com" email address with an id of the form "user@mycompany.onmicrosoft.com" which though it looks like an email address is not and does not forward to "user@mycompany.com". This creates an issue when trying to share a dashboard. The user I'm trying to share it with won't receive a notification, because user@mycompany.onmicrosoft.com is an ID but not an email address.