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Slicer that can slice selected visuals across an entire report.

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Jonathan Hardy's profile image

Jonathan Hardy on 31 Dec 2016 01:09:52

I would love to have some very simple visual slicers that I could put at the start of a report that a manager could interact with and have it affect a set of the visualizations across the entire report and then save that report with those selections. This way I can give the report to any manager and they can select their direct reports, their departments and business units and get a report that compares there numbers to their business unit and the company. Right now I can do this on one tab but they have to redo it on every page. Or they do it to the whole report and have not comparison showing. Have searchable filters in the filters pain would also be helpful.

Comments (3)
Jonathan Hardy's profile image Profile Picture

6473792d c27e-4573-b906-eec10096a3f9 on 05 Jul 2020 22:53:10

RE: Slicer that can slice selected visuals across an entire report.

Yes, why don't slicers set on one tab carry through the whole file, like QlikView? Typically, we want to look at a number of different visuals for one filtering scenario. If the visuals are all on different tabs - as best practices often dictate - then we have to constantly set slicers on every page. It is very inefficient, time consuming and prone to errors in consistency. Your own Microsoft Power BI best practices - which I strongly agree with - are: "If your entire report fits on a single page, great. If it doesn’t, create separate report pages that logically chunk the content. And don’t forget to give the pages meaningful and helpful names." (Source: We really want to set our reports/apps/dashboards up like this so users don't have to scroll around looking for hidden content on each tab - but we're really torn because the slicers have to be set on every page. So if we spread the report to multiple pages, they have to continuously set the slicers on each page. In short, we're struggling with which route is the lesser of two evils.

Jonathan Hardy's profile image Profile Picture

4e2ed990 e62a-4956-94cf-e2ae7078a9e9 on 05 Jul 2020 22:45:55

RE: Slicer that can slice selected visuals across an entire report.

This would certainly assist with our reports.

Jonathan Hardy's profile image Profile Picture

60adb7e1 baf1-4125-b999-ecdd66d6f3a0 on 05 Jul 2020 22:44:32

RE: Slicer that can slice selected visuals across an entire report.

I have data across a number of pages and users will often have to move from one page to the next to get an overview of results. A slicer that can be set on one page that will work across all other pages is needed.