- Comments (6)
Comments (6)
RE: Option to disable power bi footer on embedded reportfooter
we need this option to remove PBI footer too!
RE: Option to disable power bi footer on embedded reportfooter
RE: Option to disable power bi footer on embedded reportfooter
Use the Power BI Client API:
navContentPaneEnabled: false
RE: Option to disable power bi footer on embedded reportfooter
Also need this feature. It will allow for more immersive and professional reports.
Also required on-premise as there is no dashboard option.
RE: Option to disable power bi footer on embedded reportfooter
Can't use Power BI for business purposes with a share to social media footer. Total deal breaker.
RE: Option to disable power bi footer on embedded reportfooter
Agree. This wastes space and doesn't look very professional at all. I understand that MS would like to spread the word on Power BI but like other embedded widgets and the like, there's always a way to remove the "Powered by" text and there should be a similar feature available for Power BI.