Power BI
CompletedShould be able to sort the value for axis or legend when showing in chart
Regis on 31 Dec 2014 11:52:40
Say when there are three distinct values in the field of an Axis, like 12/20, 12/21, 12/22, we should be able if need to sort them in asc or desc when showing in the chart. Currently, they come out in a random order
- Comments (8)
RE: Should be able to sort the value for axis or legend when showing in chart
'+1 for this.
RE: Should be able to sort the value for axis or legend when showing in chart
I have tried using the sort by column in the modeling section and it has no impact on the legend order. I created the sort by column specifically for the dimension column I am using for my chart. What is the trick?
RE: Should be able to sort the value for axis or legend when showing in chart
Rory is correct. You can sort using another field in your data set. Use Modeling -> Sort By Column. You might need to join this to a new table just for the purpose of sorting.
RE: Should be able to sort the value for axis or legend when showing in chart
Sort order for legends and categories should be able to be derived from another field in your data set.
RE: Should be able to sort the value for axis or legend when showing in chart
Having updated to the July level this a big take away. It make the charts next to unreadable without being able to sort when the x-axis contains many string fields, e.g. Short State Names etc.
RE: Should be able to sort the value for axis or legend when showing in chart
I would love this! Very interested, as we use month, weekday and hour in our axis tables. Unsorted is nonsensical for the reader.
RE: Should be able to sort the value for axis or legend when showing in chart
'+1, need to be able to sort legend.
RE: Should be able to sort the value for axis or legend when showing in chart
It would be helpful to be able to sort a legend as well, currently, if we use text and want to sort it a specific way, there is not any ability I can find to specify exactly which order I want to show the legend. Makes it hard to show text values like bronze, silver, gold, and platinum in a specific sequence.