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Power BI


Shade Scatter Plot Areas

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Kevin M on 15 May 2017 23:16:32

In the Analytics tab, there should be a way to shade the background of the scatter plot (i.e. colorize the Cartesian plane into zones)

This is especially important where we do highly targeted scatters, where there is a specific good area (GREEN) and a specific bad area (RED).

The definition of these areas should be from a given point "up" (increasing X&Y) or "down" (decreasing). Alternatively, some others might get mileage from defining quadrilateral areas for a color.

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a704204c 3d9f-4ebb-86f8-dba98a5ee376 on 05 Jul 2020 23:46:31

RE: Shade Scatter Plot Areas

Yes, and the ability to label those areas. I was able to work around by creating a very carefully crafted png plot area background with transparent analytics lines with labels for labelling the areas. However it shouldn't have to be that hard to do something basic like that.