Mynda Treacy on 21 Jan 2016 09:25:01
In a regular PivotTable we can nest axis labels e.g. we can group regional data by year. Currently PowerBI only supports one level of X axis labels.
There are loads of areas where this would be useful but one example is with the MailChimp campaign data which currently only allows you to list all the campaigns alphabetically. I want to group/sort by date. My only option is to use Slicers to filter out periods I don't want, but that doesn't really help me see them in date order.
Administrator on 15 Feb 2017 09:01:35
You can nest x-axis labels in column charts! You can read more about the feature here:
- Comments (36)
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
The chart does not know that 2015 December comes before 2016 January?
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
If I understand this correctly, I can only plot by one measure of time (year, month, or day) but not in order of the 'date'??!!!
I was hoping Power BI would be a more cost-effective alternative to Tableau but you can't have such a fundamental feature as this missing..
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
C'mon Microsoft. Graphs are pretty much useless without this ability. Please add this function to Power BI.
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
can't beleive its not available yet...
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
essential to have.
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
absolutely nesessary
not having this feature is unexpected and disappointing
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
We need to display both month and year on the x-axis. Please fix asap.
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
This is critical feature and we need it. Multiple fields for x-axis and y-axis
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
Please prioritize this. My users do not want to drill. For example, the want to see all the branches grouped by district not drill into one district to see the branches