Mynda Treacy on 21 Jan 2016 09:25:01
In a regular PivotTable we can nest axis labels e.g. we can group regional data by year. Currently PowerBI only supports one level of X axis labels.
There are loads of areas where this would be useful but one example is with the MailChimp campaign data which currently only allows you to list all the campaigns alphabetically. I want to group/sort by date. My only option is to use Slicers to filter out periods I don't want, but that doesn't really help me see them in date order.
Administrator on 15 Feb 2017 09:01:35
You can nest x-axis labels in column charts! You can read more about the feature here:
- Comments (36)
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
Please fix this function!
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
Is this also available on Power BI Report Server? If not, when..? We are using Sept 2019 version now.
I saw it on a Pbi file from a coworker, but I cannot replicate it in Power BI Report Server: I do not see the Concatenate toggle..?
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
Nested X Axis doesn't work as the completed admin solution demo'd.
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
Right click your bar chart and expand to next level. that is all you need
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
Is anyone having an issue with Nested X Axis Labels? I can't get this to work even when following the instructions.
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
This is an extremely common use case available in all other data visualization tools I've used. This is a show stopper in moving from SSRS (Paginated reports) to Power BI Server.
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
Thank you PowerBI team! This will really help us. One less excuse not to be using PowerBi.
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
I've spent the past day trying to figure a work around. This is CRUCIAL for historic prices by date and a way for a relationship connection to work with it around the name of the price.
RE: Nested X Axis Labels
This functionality is critical to the business, especially since my data will be looking at period over period and year over year turnover.
RE: Nested X Axis Labels