I want to keep my DocumentDB Master Key safe. When building reports, I would like to connect to Document DB using the resource token.
The R package igraph used for network analysis is not supported in Power BI Services, according to this list: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/powerbi-service-r-visuals/ The package is a must have, when reporting statistics and insights regarding graphs and networks.
I would suggest that you can set the time that an 'alerts' triggers. I have a job monitor dashboard with a number of completion percentage visuals. I would like to be able to fire an 'alerts' each morning at 8.30 for those which are not at 100%. I have tried using once every 24 hours but have no ...
Ability to select which columns display totals. Use Case: Currently got Columns that display Actuals, Budget, Prev Year, plus i have columns that show percentage difference, when i switch on Column Totals, PBI tries to total the percentages, which doesn't make sense and confusers report users.
When managing several dashboards that have the similar data (but from different sources) it would be great to be able to update a 'master' or 'parent' dashboard that could deploy changes (new charts, DAX queries to all of its children. Currently if I want to make changes to a common template I ha...
In the current state it is difficult to view/create steps that are longer than 5 lines. Please allow us to extend it's length by dragging as opposed to the down arrow on the right.
So an idea I had was: what if an on-premise Lync / Skype for Business window could appear (as a dashboard tile, or sidebar, or popup widget, or something similar) that would have, for example, the company's Power BI Developers listed for direct chat assistance. Similar to other company websites t...
Add an option to hide rows where all measures are showing zeros.
I would like to be able to go back into the query and make changes to the data column names and not have all of the visualizations break. Would be great if the software intelligently relinked everything so you could make changes that didn't break everything so easily.