skyline chart is very popular in my industry, it will be nice if there are supported by power bi see this post for an example
We want to use tags in Azure to Analyse and visualize data in power bi, but unfortunately, all tags are included in only one field. It is not possible to create charts with that. Please split the tags into separate fields or a separate table.
We need an ability to use measures for data labels and titles. So for example we will be able to create a chart and a currency filter, so with checking different currency we will see our money in different ways and the labels should automatically change with this too.
Allow user to increase/decrease the size of the circle data point that is showing a lat/lon point. Also allow users to set a range of colours or set to similar or different colours. Right now the visualization can give very similar colours for different data points making it impossible for a vi...
If it was possible to also design a data capture setup, it would be amazing. If people could, not only receive information, but actually input information (leads, opportunities, FTE, etc) it would add alot of value for international Companies.
Now that Azure are selling MySQL servers, could you please set it up in the PowerBI service to auto-refresh from it. Thanks!
Provide the ability to create a new report or upload or create a new Excel file which is live connected to a SSAS data source. For new reports the ideal would be to have a new option once clicked the GetData button and proceed at the same way you can actually do using AS Connector.
I'd like a slicer that is purely a toggle switch. For example I need to toggle an entire report between sales dollars to Units. This slicer would only allow you to select either sales dollars or Units but not both because adding dollars and units does not make sense.
Add an option on the Format tab to allow users to set visualization to be a report filter and work across all pages.