Drag select in slicer and default Search icon
When you have 100 items in a slicer, it would be good to have Drag and select multiple. Search icon is difficult to find for users. would be good if its visible without any clicks.
Possiblity to copy charts from one Power Bi to another Power BI report
When we use same datasets in different report, sometime there is a need to copy a chart from a report to another report. (This feature is available in Qlikview) The chart can show blank if some fields used are missing as it might not be there or it might be renamed.
Option to change the slicer options from List to between to relative in Power bi Service
Currently if we set the slicer as relative we are unable to change it to List or between or before or after etc in power bi service. as if we want to select specific months its difficult.
Filtered values to be shown in top of the slicer
When you have a long list of values in slicer you scroll down and select something. Need the selected values to be shown in the top. else they get hidden. As we dont have any objects to see the current selection in the report at the moment.
Possibility to have fiscal calendar in Date slicer
currently there is no way to specify week start, fiscal year start in the relative date slicer