Wrap Map Data
When displaying map data at a zoomed out level. Map visualisations only display once no matter how many times that geographic location is visually present. For example: the if the USA is on the left had side of the map with visualisations present then if the USA is also appearing on the right h...
Are my measures still in use?
After a long time of development there will be measures that I've made but no longer reference. It would be nice to have a process that can audit my measures and tell me any that are not used in a tile and are not referenced by other measures.
Include MODE as aggregation when displaying field
When I plot a chart and use a field as the value or tooltip, I'm able to select that field and choose how it is aggregated. This is currently: Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count (Distinct), Count, Standard Deviation, Variance, and Median. Mode is missing from this list and would be a help...
Refresh choose which data sources should be included in 'Scheduled Refresh'
Often I have variety of data sources in my Reports. Some of these data sources are quite large, and only need a daily refresh. Some of the other data sources are smaller, but need to be refreshed more often throughout the day. Presently all data sources must refresh at the same time when usi...
Refresh all except
When I attempt a refresh, I can refresh all tables or a single table. There have been a number of occasions where i'm having an issue with a single table, and wish to refresh everything but that problematic table. I'd like some way of selecting either "Refresh all except" or a pick list of what...
Allow Usage Metric Dashboards to appear in Apps
Presently if you make a dashboard that contains data from the Usage Metrics, this cannot be added to the Published App. This is really disappointing, even when we are on Premium. We wish to display this data for managers to see.
'New Page' should create report page to the right of selected tab, not far right
Report files can grow to have a sizable number of tabs. Creating new tabs can be a pain as it always pushes the new report page to the far right. Excel has a similar function but also offers an additional 'Insert' option in the right click menu to allow you to create new sheets wherever the sel...
Measure collections
I have a number of large Power BI projects that deal with financial information. In order to make the calculations work, I often need numerous measures. As time goes on, I build more and more frameworks that use a series of measures to get to a result in an efficient manner. The down side is t...
Matrix Column Heading Order, choose descending order
Presently if you put a field into the "Columns" section of a matrix, the sort order is always ascending. For a common use case, a date column is used (such as month and year). Being able to sort these columns in descending order would mean the latest month would appear first, and always in view.