format visuals to the same width and height
format visuals to the same width and height the ability to select Same Height and Same Width from the Format menu this would allow groups of visuals to be selected firstly to make then the same sizes and then to go on and use the Format Align, Bottom / Top / Left / Right etc etc
Matrix Conditional Formatting Rules to include other field values as criteria
I really like the conditional formatting rules, however I would like to also be able to conditionally format a said value in a different colour / range dependent upon other fields values. eg A sale Margin of 30% on Product A may be green but on Product B (a much more profitable item) a green ma...
Slicer visualisation when used as Between style to scale width of the input boxes
having the Slicer option to use as Between two values is great, but there appears to be no way to change or scale the width on the input text boxes in this mode. Suggesting that like the Dropdown mode the width of the drop down selection list scales with the width of actual visualisation itse...
Drillthrough is difficult to invoke on a touch screen device without a mouse
when using a touchscreen device it is difficult to invoke drilltrhough and I'd expect even more difficult to invoke tooltips when you wish versus drillthrough versus highlight that section of the visualisation only. tried this with a bar chart and it is quite hit and miss with what you are try...
Buttons with dataset refresh
Ability for Buttons to be added to a report with an action of Refresh DataSets, which in turn can be assigned multiple DataSets to be included in the refresh action (similar to the way that fields are dragged to a visualisation)