Display port number on status bar
Display the port number on the status bar (or similar) currently being used by the instance of Power BI Desktop. This will make it easier to use SSMS as a client tool for developing and debugging DAX queries.
disable auto time intelligence
Make the "Auto Time Intelligence" feature a global option that can be turned off for all subsequent PBIX files.
Global session variable in DAX
Create a DAX variable that only exists for the user session that can be updated though actions such as clicking buttons. These variables would only be in scope for the current user and would differ from a calculated measure in that they could increment (or decrement) based on a action. These gl...
Table visual to have Excel like column filters
To enable a button on each column header of a table visual that opens a dialog window that allows the user to set column based filtering
Show column data profile statistics in header
Add a column data profile histogram in the data view for every column in Power BI Desktop. This handy feature exists in Power Query (sometimes only on sampled data). Add this feature to Power BI Desktop as well, please.