KPI Alerts based on (changing) target value from data model
The 'alerts' functionality in the Power BI service let's users set an 'alerts' based on a threshold. When using a KPI the target value is copied as the default threshold but when the target changes, the threshold will not be adjusted. In a scenario where you would use a YTD value to compare ...
It should be possible to change the columnnames in a table or matrix
When defining measures it's important to give them the best name to quickly identify there purpose. These names can sometimes be very long and not directly clear to an end user. After dragging these columns to a table or matrix visual it should be possible to change the columnnames so they can...
Dynamic selection of legend & value in charts so users can customize charts
It should be possible for end-users to customize the chart legend & value, based on several options provided by the developer of the report. For example in a datamodel with Sales and Net Sales as measures and Channel and Country as columns a developer creates a report showing a chart with sale...
Option to disable bar around visuals
Their should be an option in Power BI desktop to disable the display of the top bar above each visual. For example showing a bar above a slicer that let users focus on a slicer has no use. With this option developers can also determine what visuals can be pinned to a dashboard. Especially...
Relative data slicer Last Full X weeks / months or years
It should be possible to use a combination of the XXXX and XXXX (Calendar) relative data slicer. In the current implementation you are not able to analyze complete weeks / months or years with the current week / month or year in scope. The normal relative date slicer will set the period for f...