Matrix - Sort rows by value (asc or desc)
There is currently no customisation for sorting of matrices. Please copy existing Excel functionality to sort by row name or by value fields ascending or descending.
Functionality from Excel 2013 - user-defined heirarchy
In Excel 2013 the user can define a heirarchy of related fields as a reusable list. Eg. Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Day. The user can this add the heirachy to reports with a pre-defined flow from high to low in the heirarchy.
Power BI Desktop publish as "Data Model Only with Refresh from Power BI Service"
As a user I would like an option to upload a pbix file as a model only. This option should only appear for eligible datasets. All pbix files published to the Power BI Service currently include the model and all the data. In my experience, this means much time wasted watching the dots spin whi...
Publish to pbi embedded from the desktop app
Wish I could use the pbi desktop app to do the steps existing in the sample provision app including publish to a workspace collection (including update an existing workspace). I'm out of votes.
Data type optimisation for Uniqueidentifier/hash
I have a source system with lots of uniqueidentifiers. I do ETL to strategically flatten the data model and change the data type of relationship keys and bitint to int64 (database is third party and overzealous for our purposes. Could SSAS engine detect that some fields are unique identifier ...
Devops Process
There is currently no clear, built-in system for source control, test, gated approval and release of new reports. If you have admin rights, you have god mode. Use it with caution. As a result, IMHE analysts teams are likely to learn the hard way about all the reasons why formal IT teams h...
Granular workspace admin rights
Admin permissions for app workspaces should be more granular. Not god mode on or off. This could be used to create division of duties for publish and release. Eg. Report author user can publish to app workspace. Release user can release changes to read-only users.
Apply Theme at workspace level to all reports in workspace
It's great that we can apply custom themes to individual pbix files. However if we project this out 6 months into the future and speculate that we have 10 reports with a common custom theme. Let's says that someone (not you) decides the them needs to change. Currently you would have to modify...