Create Power BI Dashboards Text tiles with changeable background colors
Allow Power BI Dashboard Text tiles to support changeable background colors. This is highly desired for banners for easy classification and readability. There should also be support for image tiles to be fill-able in their boxes such that there is no white space that will class with the backgr...
Enable Power BI Reports to support visuals to snap-to-grid
Enable Power BI Report Visuals to snap-to-grid similar to how Power BI Dashboards do. It's a highly useful feature.
KPI should allow you to change background
KPI should allow you to change the background color according to Good/Neutral/Bad. Seeing colors in text from a distance is very difficult to see.
Change KPI "Goal" to another text
Allow user to change KPI "Goal" to another text such as "target" or "critical"
Enable KPI to support units for indicator value
Enable Power BI to support adding units such as "seconds"," hours", "days", "pelicans", "bananas", etc next to the large indicator value
Increase the size of the KPI indicator icon
Allow users to change the size of the KPI indicator icon (the check/ exclamation point icon next to the indicator value) so that people can actually see it in meetings without pulling out their glasses and walking up to the screen in order to have to read the KPI visual
Power BI Web API Dataset refresh
Allow Power BI Web datasets that use APIs and API keys to be able to be refreshed properly. Currently if you run an API to get a dataset then you will run into an issue where tying to update the credentials in "Data source credentials" will not work properly.
Enable PowerBI-Javascript to support "rendered" state
I want to be able to determine if my Power BI embedded dashboard has started rendering, and when it has finished rendering (and any possible states in between) to provide performance measurements for my project.