On THIS web page, include result navigate buttons at TOP and BOTTOM of page
On THIS web "improve Power BI" web page, include query result navigate buttons at TOP and BOTTOM of page. Currently the user is often forced to scroll up and down the page to go to the single set of navigation buttons
slicer should always indicate in the header if a selection has been made in a long list
The slicer should indicate if a selection has been made or not so that the user will know this even if the current selection(s) are not visible on the list (because the list is long). As is, the HMI and thus the particular sliced data set is not always clear to the user and they are likely t...
PowerBI Service - Copy/Cut/Paste visualisations
As in PBI Desktop and for efficient working, it would be highly beneficial if the PBI Service designer can also use standard Copy/Cut/Paste operations on existing visualisations. Similarly, in both PBI Desktop and PBI Service, the designer needs to have all the other design environment tools i...
Standard Visualization Design Tools
In both PBI Desktop and PBI Service, for efficient and accurate design, the user needs to have all of the following familiar design environment tools i.e. - select all - move all - "lassoo" select multiple objects - align to top of highest object - align to bottom of lowest object - ...
word wrap option for all visualisation text display functions
The developer is very likely to want/need full control over how text is displayed in visualisation in order to develop useable well layed out report designs. Word wrap is one such control parameter and yet it is not currently or consistently available as a format parameter in all visualisatio...
Slicer with underlying URL
A slicer that also works with URLs so that when clicked : - will slice other visuals - will open up a web page In this way, the user can create linked slicers that cross filter as well as navigate to completely different web objects.
Table value text linked to URL
Currently table value URLs must be shown with all the http://xyz details etc. Can we please have table values that LINK to a URL in some specific column so that when the value is clicked, it activates the URL. I do not want my customers to see the URL, only the table values.