pages conditional hide display
It would be very nice to have the possibility to hide or show pages based on conditions so you can supress blank pages without content at that moment.
date format
The ability to have date format like: tue 08-01-2019 so day in short format, day number, month number and year. so a user can see the day and the collum does n't take as much room as in format tuesday 8 january 2019.
replacing 0 value with dash format option
In a matrix you can have a lot of 0 values. It would be clearer if they could be replaced by a dash "-"
dateformat dd-mm-yyyy
In the Netherlands we use dd-mm-yyyy. I the current version this is not availeble. Only d-m-yyyy.
relative date filter add option including current year
Hi, I miss the option to include the current year when filtering on calander year, month etc. When i now filter i get only the values of the previous periods and not the current period. Thanx
new layout power bi service add time on refresh
In the new layout on te power service you can see the refresh date. Please add the time also!
visual visible
control visual visible on mobile / desktop layout The possibilty to show Visuals on mobile layout and surpess them on desktop layout.
decomposition tree interaction
Add interaction with other Visuals to the Decomposition tree
power bi desktop update count down
It would be great to have a countdown clock for the new update to be released! so we can now when to expect new great functions
Please add support for incremental refresh sybase
I am connecting to on premis sybase databases by odbc. It would be great to be able using incremental refresh.