The filled map is not working with "normal" GPS coordinates
Please enable Power BI to interpret latitude and longitude as float numbers or strings. SSAS tabular does not support the type "longitude" or "laitude". Thus with SSAS tabular models you cannot use the filled map in Power BI.
Improve the Report Servers Authentication setup + solution
If people are having too many Active Directory Groups, e.g. very experienced top management then it might happen that the October release of Power BI Report Server cannot serialize the authorization header. The user will experience only "Error 400 - Authorization header is too big" The pro...
Enable a Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution
Dear community, we would like to deploy Power BI mobile on iOS with an MDM Solution (MobileIron). This way inexperienced users would not need to enter all credentials by themselves and giving remote support for mobile devices is quite hard (configure VPN etc.). Are there some predefined k...