Edit Interactions for New Filter Experience
One great feature of using slicers is the ability define what visuals ignore those slicer settings. The new filter experience could effectively replace slicers if it had the same capacity to define which visuals it applied to. You can always define the filter at the visual level, but It would...
Allow renaming fields and grouping in New Filter Experience
The new filters pane is GREAT! It 'almost' replaces the need for a slicer pane (done with a hacky approach with bookmarks). One big limitation of the new filter pane is that we cannot rename column names or group filters together. If we could override column names in the filters pane and poss...
Allow users to disable sync slicers
I have reports where many users want a consistent set of slicers across the pages, but a few users want the slicers to be independent (per page). Since there are so many bookmarks / slicers to manage, it's a bit taxing to create 2 reports. it would be great if users could choose to sync slice...