Add state names and abbreviations shape map
There currently doesn't seem to be a method to add state names and/or state abbreviations to state maps. This would be a great feature visually.
Click on column in visual show column in fields
When you rename a column in a visual it's incredibly frustrating that you can't hover or click on the column in the visual to show what field is actually being used. Please add the ability to either hover or select a column name in a visual and then display it on the right hand fields list to det...
Copy Applied Step(s)
When creating a PBI report if you have one or two steps that you want to copy in the interface. Add an option to allow you to copy steps without needing to do it from the Advanced Editor. Add a warning that it could potentially cause problems with the report, but this would be a huge time saver o...
Add option to force measures to be text data type
Most of the time we use measures for conditional formatting, this requires that the measure be a text data type. Almost always the formatting for the measure converts to a decimal number by default, add an option to prevent this from taking place.
Add option to force measures to be text data type
Most of the time we use measures for conditional formatting, this requires that the measure be a text data type. Almost always the formatting for the measure converts to a decimal number by default, add an option to prevent this from taking place.
Add a Wrike Power BI Connector
Wrike is a very heavily used PM tool. This would be a very useful connector.
Allow for adjusting slicer search font size
Allow for the slicer search font size to be increased. Several of our users that are visually impaired cannot use the slicer searches because the font is so small.
If export options are turned off remove the export button
When you turn off all export options at the tenant level (our users don't need PDFs or PNGs as they're looking for excel based exports for PBIX reports which isn't available yet) the button still remains at the top of the page which confuses users. This button should be removed if all export opti...
Add a checkmark to automatically update copied reports
A big workaround that would resolve issues with users and multiple app workspaces would be to be able to use the copy reports feature and have a checkbox that says update copied reports when original report is updated. This would allow you to publish a source report and then publish reference rep...
Add the ability to use the "#shared" function in the Power BI service
This function is a huge benefit to gather queries and other metadata in order to do self documentation of dataflows; however, when using this it breaks in Power BI. See this post for reference: