Really move and stay to bookmarked page
Make the bookmarks jump to page and stay there, right now they only jump to page temporarily and this is not what you want
Colors in diagram view
Please (auto) color all the dim (lookup) tables and data tables differently. Even beter: if uopu select a data table, color all the related dim tables with a different color and fade all other tables. Same: if you select a dimension table: color all related data tables and fade the other tables
Jump to first and last page like in excel by a button
Please add functionality to jump to first and last page of report (like in excel) by a button
Improve analysis by Excel
Right now analyze by Excel only works with Explicit measures, which is understandable but annoying. Plus expand this functionality so I can use every column in Pivot table analysis: so in the rows, in the columns, in the filter and also in the values (not only explicit measures)
Add Right click (formatting) functionality
In this menu you should be able t immediately adjust Fonmt size for X Axis and Y axis, Font Size, Font Colors
Adjust Axis names in ALL visiuals
Adjust Axis names in ALL visiuals. Right now the y axis is called values, please change this to Y axis (or add this) , that is much more logical Change Axis to X-Axis, this is much more logical and maybe change legend to Categories
Add video how to normalize your data
Please add video('s) of best practice how to prepare your data, show denormalization proces and how to get data out of fact tables into dim tables (by using Power Query)
spellingchecker everywhere
Add auto spelling checker / correction evrywhere (in visuals, in shapes, in text boxes) both in desktop and online. Of course you should be able to choose language
add auto translate total report functionality
add auto translate total report functionality So one button where the user can choose the language of the report / dashboard and then auto translate all the visuals in one language and another collegue who chooses a different language sees all the visuals in his / her language.
Extend add shape, with the possibiity to add pictures and way more icons and shapes
Extend add shape (online and desktop), with the possibiity to add pictures and way more icons and shapes. Like in Excel and Powerpoint and Word) Also add picturs possibility and add screenshosts. Exactly like in Excel / Word / PowerPoint