Enter font size into BI designer format fields
currently, to adjust the size of font in a visual you can only do so with the font slider in the format area. it would be nice if we could type in the font size we want to use.
Fields pane item appearance
I love that display folders and hierarchies are now supported in BI Desktop. When you start building up a large number of tables, it quickly becomes difficult to distinguish which items are table names vs. fields in the columns. Also, the gray color of the display folders makes is slightly diffic...
drill to up to top level
have an option to drill up to the top level in one click no matter what level you've drilled down to
jump to drill level
option to drill directly up or down to a level of your choice. for example, if a axis has 7 fields that can be drilled down through and you want to drill directly to the 4th level, the ability to jump straight to that level without having to click 4 times would be helpful. Also, if you were do...
see all tabs
ability to see a list of tab names similar to right-clicking on the left/right arrows in excel for tab navigation