load progress information in query dependencies view
There are several great ideas about showing information about query load progress. The query dependencies view is also great, why not joining them together for a visual view of loading progress. each block in the dependencies diagram will be colored when loading + estimating time for loading
Increase Power BI Report server model size limit
For enterprise solution with very large datasets, we need to maximize the size limit for a model. 2G is nice improvement from 1G, but not enough.
user alias name/additional metadata for Power BI server security
When applying roles for users so they can access the folders/reports, we only now the user name inside the organization. in some cases the "user name" is not really a name but more of a number (example un123@myorg). so if as admin I want to know who is that person I need to take that user code a...
Change user language setting in the report server
I want to force to model to use English language for large values that represent in the model with shortcuts "M" and "K" (Millions,Thousands), but instead in some computers the browser display I get is in English and other in our local language. It would be very helpful if we can change the lang...
search objects (tables and columns) in power query
The ability to search and find a table or a field in the modeling area is great and very helpful when having lots of tables and fields. It would be super great to have some kind of search in the power query area (right near to the Queries list. for example : * simple textual search for jus...
Data model related tables correlations
When selecting table in the data model windows it has a yellow frame. Instead of selecting the relations line one at a time,it would be nice to see in a glance which table are connected to the selected table by framing them with a yellow dashed line. Bonus : in snowflake schema the second leve...