Admin - Datasets GetDatasetsInGroupAsAdmin slow performance
This API take more time than other api, please help to fix it
Open Enable "Trust Server Certificate" options on Power BI Azure SQL DB Connector
Open Enable "Trust Server Certificate" options on Power BI Azure SQL DB Connector
Need service principle support for admin api
Service Principle is now currently not support Admin Api, need this to be supported
Slicer visual Cluster
If user have lots of slicer on one report page, it would be very cumbersome for each slicer would take action right after user select each of them, it would be much better if we could have a slicer cluster which control by one button
Power BI Rest API get all app in tenant
Current it's only support to get list of installed apps, we need an api to get all app list of tenant.
Enable telemetry in Dataflows refresh
Currently it really hard for end user to understand why queries are running slow or performing poorly because they have no visibility of where the cost is or how power query M is being translated to underlying data layer queries. Enable this could much help for dataflow develop to adjust and fix...