Is it possible to show percentages along with existing Data Label values.
Is it possible to show percentages along with existing Data Label values. For example, if count of product in inventory is show as "N" in data label chart, then requirement is to show Y% of Total inventory along with Count N.
Q&A does not change visulization to combo charts like line and stacked\clustered column chart
Q&A does not change visulization to combo charts like line and stacked\clustered column chart. It does not recognize “.as line and clustered column chart” or “ line and stacked column chart”. Please suggest if there is possible fix.
Excel Binary file support
Excel binary file .xlsb as a data source works well for few query steps but starts crashing soon with error as "External file format not supported". Please enable excel binary file format support or provide an error in the beginning so that query steps are not performed at all.
Running R Transform script in SQL Server Execution Context in PowerBI
Is there a PowerBI sample available with R transform script running in SQL Server execution context? I am getting following error: Error in .rxEnsureOdbcCredentials(connectionString, server, databaseName, : Trusted_Connection or User must be specified either in the connection string with the ui...