Having multiple color palettes/themes for different dimensions/visualizations and different hierarchies (drill-downs)
Power Bi just implemented custom themes but what this does is applies the same theme to all the visualizations. This is could be very confusing to the end user. Suppose you have multiple metrics (like sales, profits, margins, etc.) that are sliced by geographical region as one dimension and say I...
Excluding data on a Visual/Scatter plot should extend as a page/report level filter
When data is plotted on a scatter plot, we get to see distribution by two metrics defined on X & Y-axis. This also helps in identifying outliers. On right-clicking we generally get to exclude certain data points from the visual and then see the visual without those data points (that is we filter ...
show/hide top X categories in visuals (with option of Other)
Along with filtering capabilities there should be capabilities to show/hide only the top X categories. If we use the visual level filter to show/hide data then when we choose one of the top 5 categories to filter other metric visuals the underlying data for non-top 5 also gets filtered. Hence fil...
Allow editing the data source in Power BI Report Server (like SSRS)
Please allowing editing the data source under Manage >> Data Source on the server (web portal) for Power BI Reports (just like we can do for SSRS reports)