Subscribe Power BI Report to multiple emails
Hope Power BI Report can be subscribed to multiple emails Like SQL Server Reporting Service, can subscribe to multiple user and set schedule.
Power BI Pro can add related individual account without extra fee
Currently, Power BI PRO paid $9.99 user/month. If another user want to subscribe report, they need to purchase Power BI Pro. Is possible to add related individual account without extra fee? Thanks!
Customize report on real-time streaming in Power BI
Customer want to customize report (Custom visuals/ get visualization types from Power BI Visuals Gallery) on real-time streaming in Power BI. Currently, It has only 5 report templates on real-time streaming. 1. Cards 2. Line Charts 3. Clustered Bar Charts 4. Clustered Column Charts 5. Gaug...
Shows the stream status and stream value when upload stream
Can it shows the stream status and stream value when upload stream? Thanks!