Update Excel files that the source of the data is Power BI on the publish
The possibility of publishing an excel folder in PBI is incredible, however, when I publish a file that the data source is the PBI itself, the file can not be updated. It would be great if Excel files that have Power b2 as a data source could have their data updated when the Power BI data so...
Share Datasets Across Work Groups
The new feature thew shows up on April Feature Summary of power bi desktop is very nice, but would be great to use a unic data set, to provide information for more than one work group. Imagine you publish a dataset, then you create various dashboards on select groups, each one with a diferent ...
APP bar takes a lot of screen space
I Really hate the new bar that shows when you are in a app, that whith the name of the app and the description. I konw you guys in microsoft love 3x2 screen resolution, but the world runs in 16x9 and that bar take a lot of the screen space, making the reports small. Pelase try another way to ...
Windows 10 app has ugly and useless lines on reports
On windows 10 app, when you put the mouse on the charts, a ugly line appears, this is the same line that was in the wep app some time ago, and you guys fixed this on web, please, do this to the Windows 10 app too!