Table.AddColumn may display invalid data (out of range) in Query Editor
If you supply a Column.Type with Table.AddColumn (e.g. Byte.Type), then the Query Editor will also display values that are out of range for the Data Type. E.g. for Data Type Byte, values >255 are still displayed in the Query Editor, but they won't load to the table when the query is applied. T...
Preserve data types when expanding table columns
With the function Table.ExpandTableColumn, a column with nested tables can be expanded. However, the data types of the columns of the nested tables are not applied to the new columns after expansion. This behaviour is different from Table.ExpandRecordColumn, where data types of the nested record...
Don't adjust non-existing local datetime values in Reports
Due to local time switches (typically Daylight Saving Time), some date/time combinations do not exist. Such date/time combinations are allowed in Power Query and the Data Model, but in Report View, such combinations are adjusted, both in Power BI Desktop and in Power BI.. This video clearly ill...