Ability to add grand total to column/bar charts
It would be great to be able to add a grand total column/row to a column/bar chart. For instance, if I have four sales regions and I plot sales by region on a clustered column chart, I would like to be able to add a fifth column that shows the total for all regions. Similar to this functionality ...
Ability to create group workspaces using API
Would like the ability to programmatically create a group workspace and populate membership using the API (or Powershell or something).
Provide a GUI to browse DAX Calculations
It would be great to be able to browse all DAX calculations in a model in Power BI Desktop. This could be accomplished by exposing the data from the TMSCHEMA DMVs. The challenge is that we can't natively see the list of all calculated columns or calculated measures - we must go into each table to...
View model metadata (tables, relationships, columns, measures) for all models across a tenant
I would like to be able to query the tables, columns, DAX calculations (columns and measures), and data source queries for datasets published to PowerBI.com. This would allow me to determine if I have many similar models that could be combined, or if I have multiple models defining the "same metr...
Allow custom fonts in text boxes and perhaps all visuals (at least titles)
Allow custom fonts in text boxes. Power BI Desktop should allow any font that is installed in Windows. Feel free to put certain parameters around the font type so that it can be appropriately rendered and exported. But in general, why can't we have more fonts?
Make columns containing urls have embedded hyperlink in accessible show data table
Users with screen readers can now view a nice accessible table/matrix by selecting the visual and hitting Alt+Shift+F11. But if a column in a table contains a url, the user cannot "click" it. They have to try to copy the value from the table and paste it into a browser to access the url. It would...
Allow use of field value to populate alt text
Currently, alt text on any visual is populated by static text entered by the report designer. It would be more helpful to be able to use a field value or do something like the Enlighten Data Story where you can put a placeholder for multiple field values. Ideally, the alt text on a visual provide...
Make textbox contents accessible to screen readers
Currently, when a screen reader like JAWS encounters a textbox, the contents of the textbox are not accessible. At the least, the Show Data table should produce a single-cell table containing the contents of the textbox. Ideally, the contents of the textbox would be available to the screen reader...
Expose Analysis Services perspective in Power BI REST API
Currently, the Datasets - Update Datasources In Group functionality in the API doesn't give us access to change a perspective in a AS/SSAS connection, so it cannot be updated programatically. Please expose the perspective via the REST API or preferably PowerShell so we can get and set it. Also, i...
Expose Analysis Services perspective
Provide visibility in the Power BI service when a live connection to Analysis Services is connected to a perspective rather than Model. When we look at settings for a live connection dataset in PowerBI.com, we can see the server and database in the data source credentials, but there is no ind...