Specify parameters values in the PBI Service
Hi there. I'd like to request you to include an option which allows the user to specify the parameters values in the PBI Service, as well as it's possible in the PBI Desktop. Thanks.
Provide a cursor pointer to the smart devices OSs so that we can preview the data like in PC platform
Hi there. I'd like to request you to provide a cursor pointer to the smart devices OSs so that we can preview the data like in PC platform. Thanks.
Undo option for the Edit Queries window
Hi there. I'd like to request you to include an option which can permit the user to undo changes made on the Edit Queries window other than changes that are listed on Applied Steps section. Thanks.
Allow using columns from different queries
Hi there. I'd like to request you to allow using columns from different queries (whenever there is a relationship between them) when we're creating the calculated columns so that we can evaluate those ones within the formulas. Thanks.
SSAS - Allow creating calculated columns, renaming columns and other features
Hi there, I'd like to request you to allow creating calculated columns, renaming columns and other features for SSAS data sources. Thanks.
Refresh option could pull the data directly from the pbix on PBI Service
Hi there. It would be quite useful if you extend the Refresh option on the PBI Service, when the document is on "Import" mode, to pull the data directly from the DB server. Having an on-premises gateway installed in the DB server or any other machine inside the same network which is able to...
Bug - When clicking on "Select All" option, unselect one of them and select it again
Hi there. When clicking on "Select All" filter option, unselect one of them and select it again, all the items get unselected. This problem occours in the PBI Desktop and PBI Service. Thanks for your support. Regards.
Incremental data load
Hi. It would be really great if only the last slice of data could be loaded instead of the total amount of them (incremental mode). This slice of data could be parameterized over date/time variables. Thank you. Regards.