Geo filter latitude and longitude based on selected distance from current position
I would like to filter latitude and longitude data based on the distance from my current position. For example, I have a dataset showing the latitude and longitude position of all police incidents. I would like to filter on all incidents within, a selected distance (e.g. half a mile) of my cu...
Email these users when the refresh fails for dataflows
Datasets have the option to "Email these users when the refresh fails" but there is no corresponding option for dataflows. I would like to see the same capability added to dataflows to email a number of users if the refresh fails.
Dataflow refresh failure notifications "Email these users when refresh fails"
Datasets allow failure notifications to be sent to the dataset owner as well as other emails. However, dataflows only allow failure notifications to be sent to the the dataflow owner. Dataflows should be updated to match datasets in that failure notifications can be sent to multiple email addresses.