Hide tabs in Power BI desktop
Facility to Hide tabs in Power BI Desktop from Power BI online.
Flexibility to enter color codes to use colors of my choice.
1. Provide color codes for various colors in different shades. 2. Insert a color picker so that to find exact match of color. 3. If I enter any color code(Ex. HEX codes) it should provide me particular color for that. 4. Modify custom color option to select range of colors.
Radio button for slicers
Put radio button to slicers to always limit single select option probably in case of Month selections.
Bar graphs in a table view Or Table with a bar graph
It would be great if we can include bar graphs in a table or matrix like a column, instead of values. Like, 6 months trend graph in a table as a additional column which will enhance visual performance and save space utilization.
Restrict sort option in table/matrix
One should able to not to allow sorting on any particular column. It should show values selected/sorted by default by developer. Can we have this feature?