Customer slicer ordering
It would be very helpful to allow custom slicer ordering, from the slicer itself. Rather than creating a new sort-by column in the dataset, users should be able to specify (perhaps within the slicer's own menu) the order in which to display its items.
Allow splitting/grouping between single- and multi-row cards
It would be helpful if users could convert plain, single-item cards into a multi-row card (e.g., by CTRL+clicking on each one, then selecting the multi-row card viz). It would also be nice to have the opposite functionality: select an existing multi-row card, then click the single-item card to...
Apply format painter to measures
Extend the format painter functionality to measures. Users could click on a measure whose formatting they like, select the format painter, and then apply that formatting to the next one they click on.
Show an upload error message when the file is locked
PBIX files cannot be uploaded to a workspace when they're open on the desktop. However, there is no error message saying so, which causes a great deal of confusion. If possible, it would help to receive a message warning the user to close the local copy and re-try the upload.
Allow default filtering based on current user
It would be nice, even if not essential, to allow a report to slice by default to the current user's data. For instance, I might envision: - A dimUser table that can slice by default to the USERNAME () output - A dimGeo table that can slice by default to the city/state/country of the session...