Create subfolders in Work Spaces.
I hav to create reports to several clients with several branchs so will be helpfull to have inside the WorkSaces(APPs) subApps. like a file directory. So I could have the company report in the main APP and in the sub APPS the branchs or events or departments.
Measures Value when hover mouse on FIELDS panel
Show the Measures Value when hover mouse on FIELDS panel. Some time I need to know a value and don´t need it in a page. So save time.
filter workspace when Publish it with Power BI Desktop
When we have lots of workspaces is a little bit anoying find it when publish the report to the service.
multiple columns division power query
I get data from a DATABASE where the values are integers, so i have to transform to currency in Power Wuery transforming the data applying a division by 100. However it couln´t select more columns to apply together the transform. Make DIVISION possible in multiple columns selection.