Waterfall, Matrix-Table combo tabular, and clustered+stacked charts
Three charts recommendations: 1. Waterfall. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=waterfall+charts&id=08EB5F1CE1BE8D4A0DAEAC74FD3D92BE8CE862A6&FORM=IQFRBA 2. Matrix-Table combo tabular. One axis aggregate (matrix style) and one axis not aggregate (table style) 3. A column/bar chart with bo...
Copy and Paste multiple items at the same time
Pressing ctrl, select multiple charts and tables, then copy-n-paste.
Customize mouse-over fields
Let users pick which information is shown when hovering mouse over a certain chart. (i.e. a pie chart shows percentage and its mouse-over shows absolute value)
Categorical axis on scatterplot
Is there any way to put categorical values on scatterplot's axis? It's fine to disable "play" axis for this situation. This helps to identify correlations among categorical values.
Ability to adjust legend size
Can we change the size (and font size) of a legend?
Can we add sparkline support to tables and matrix? Native Excel PivotTable supports it. http://www.tips-for-excel.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Picture117.png
Matrix-Table combo tabular
Matrix-Table combo tabular. One axis aggregate (matrix style) and one axis doesn't aggregate (table style)
Clustered+stacked Chart
A column/bar chart with both clustered and stacked features (stacked clustered bar/column chart). http://www.originlab.com/doc/en/Tutorial/images/Clustered-Stacked_Column_Chart/Clustered-Stacked_Column_Chart.png
show progress when refreshing data
Currently when connecting to a new data source or manually refreshing an existing data set, we see "refreshing data" with a loading icon on the top right corner. Is there any way to see number or percent of rows being loaded? Sometimes data is being loaded for a long time and we might want to see...