Custom app landing pages for different users
When publishing an app, I'd like the ability to set different landing pages for different users. Or have users able to select a default dashboard or report (and report page, if possible) that they will be taken to when they click on the app.
Make R native to Power BI Desktop and the Power BI Service
Instead of having to connect a local version of R to Power BI, incorporate Microsoft R (MRAN) as a native function in Power BI Desktop. This functionality should be extended to enable the use of R for both query sources (fetching data) and for data transformations. R functionality should be ext...
De-couple the disabling of "download as .pbix" from the disabling of exporting data
Right now, if you want to disable peoples' ability to download reports as .pbix files from workspaces, you have to do it for the entire tenant, and this also disables all data export from reports. Please de-couple these functions and make them report-specific. Settings for data export are alr...