Read Only Access to Relationship View in Thin Workbooks
My definition of a thin workbook is when you connect Power BI to a tabular server. This can be SSAS Tabular or the Power BI Service (golden dataset as covered here When you use Power BI Desktop as a thin workbook, you cannot s...
Improve Relationship Drag and Drop Experience
In Power Pivot for Excel, when you drag and drop columns to create relationships, there experience is: 1. Click and drag source column 2. Hover over destination table 3. The receiving column on the destination table is highlighted to indicate which column will receive the join. In Power BI ...
IntelliSense Should Use Best Practice Column and Measure Naming Conventions
There is a clearly defined and accepted best practice for referencing columns and measures in the DAX language. 1. Column names should ALWAYS reference the table name. TableName[Column Name] 2. Measures should NEVER reference the table name. [Measure Name] This is a fundamental concept...
Move Measures Between Tables in New Modelling View
The new Modelling View was delivered in Nov 2018 and is fabulous. There is already a button to select all measures in a table - great. I would like to then move all the selected measures to another table, either by drag and drop or by selecting the home table in the properties list (just like y...
Default Decimal Currency
When you set the data type for currency for a measure or a column, the default number of decimal points is Auto. If the value is a floating point value, then you will get something like 12.385923492345 This is not very useful for a currency format. It would seem to me to make more sense to e...
Search for Synonyms in Field List
The synonym feature has been deployed. You can create a synonym for any column or measures. When you use Q&A, I could search for "Sls" and it will understand it as "Sales". But when I go to the search dialogue box in the fields list and I type "Sls", it doesn't find the synonym. This seems li...
Better Handle Column Types on Load in Dimension Tables
When you load a dimension table (say a calendar table) in Power BI desktop, there are often lots of numeric columns that are not additive. Examples include Year, Month Number, Day of Week etc. By default (unless you set the data type to text) these numeric columns will have the default aggregat...
Export Column Profiles as a Table
my customers love the new column profiling feature in Power Query. With the GA today, it is even better. One thing I have been asked for a few times now is the ability to export the column profile data as the result of a query. Ideally this could be exported to Excel for further investigation, ...
Images should have Locked Aspect Ratio
When I add an image to Power BI Desktop, the default setting is that the Aspect Ratio is not locked. This makes the process of scaling the image to a suitable size behave in an inconsistent way compared to (say) PowerPoint. If you turn on "lock aspect ratio", then the image scales correctly and ...
Allow me to add a measure name when creating Quick Measures
The quick measures feature is very useful, but it normally gives an inappropriate name to the measure. How about adding a dialog box that will allow the user to create their own name at the time when the quick measure is created. Currently you have to immediately edit the measure after the quic...