Publish Reports Directly to the Service with Power BI Desktop
Currently Power BI Desktop works with PBIX files saved to a local file system only. The files can be uploaded or published directly by the Desktop. Saving to the file on the file system in many cases may be unnecessary, and in some cases even counterproductive. Power BI Desktop should be able...
Identity Profiles for Power BI Desktop
An increasing number of features are being tied to a user's identity in Power BI Desktop. Live connections to datasets connect to the tenant that is currently logged in. Persistent custom visuals and organizational visuals are tied to it, and even the Most Recently Used list seems to be affected....
Add an HTML Data Category
Currently we can categorize a data column as a Web URL, an image URL, barcode and a number of geographic categories. These choices affect how the data is rendered in reports. What we need is a new category - HTML. Whenever an HTML field is rendered, it could do so using full fidelity HTML in ...
Automatically detect hyperlink in text
We work with a lot of textual data, and much of that data has hyperlinks in it. It would be nice if when rendered, those links could be "live" so that a user could click on it and be taken to the destination. This would match similar behaviour found when writing emails, and across the Office suite.
Allow the Azure Maps visual to lookup text based geographic data
The new Azure maps visual is quite powerful, but it is currently lacking the ability to geocode a place name like the original map visual can. Adding this capability would mean that it could be used with data that has not already been geocoded.