DAX Pipe Operator
A DAX pipe operator would allow function outputs to be piped to another function rather than nesting or written to a variable. This would streamline code writing. E.g.: SUMMARIZECOLUMNS () %>% ADDCOLUMNS () %>% FILTER () rather than: FILTER(ADDCOLUMNS(SUMMARIZECOLUMNS () ))
Workspace Report List Spacing (New Look)
Decrease the spacing between report names on the fly-out workspace pane on the left in the PBI service with the new look. There is too much space to quickly find reports and users have to excessively scroll.
Add SQL Query Folding For Additional Functions
Add query folding support in SQL for additional functions that have direct corollaries: Text.Start -> LEFT() Text.End -> RIGHT() Text.Trim -> LTRIM(RTRIM()) Date.AddDays -> DATEADD() Table.Distinct -> SELECT DISTINCT