Convert result of Power Query (M) code to persisted data like 'Enter data'
Convert result of Power Query (M) code to persisted data like 'Enter data'. For instance, you've loaded a data from Web and then implemented 100 steps on top of it. But you want this result to be persisted. And then be able to just copy M code to another PBIX to have data. There is an optio...
Create Mashup engine documentation (how it processes data)
Create Mashup engine documentation (how it processes data). We know how xVelocity works but know nothing about Mashup engine. How it is using connector, loading data and store it etc.
Formula related properties
Make visual properties to be calculated by DAX formulas. It can reduce a lot of manual work for setting properties when data is changing frequently or it can be kind of conditional formatting but for properties. For instance, colors of values in scatter chart, similar in treemap or Max, Mi...
Add selection states
Add ability to separate report visuals in different selection states. Make it as a property of a visual then it can be easily accessed. For instance, you plan to compare several visual for different periods. You place some of them on the left side and copy of them to the right. You change peri...
Report server queries performance monitor
Add monitoring metrics utility to the Report Server to be able to analize performance usage per reports and queries.
Filter and save it for workspaces, dashboards, reports
Add save filter functionality to Service. Once you have a number of workspaces close to 200 you have issues with working with them. You need to find a workspace each time. The same applies for dashboards, reports etc.
Data driven theming
To be able to write a JSON theme with data driven configuration. For instance, I have a table with two columns: Country and Amount. For Germany, I want to set Blue, for France - Green. And whenever I create a new chart these colors should apply to it. And then I create a clustered column cha...
Documentation about Table.Type function in M
There is no documentation about PowerQuery function called Table.Type - But it exists in Power BI Intellisense
Power BI Desktop (MS Store app) on Windows Server
Hi Team, Could you enable install of Power BI Desktop from Microsoft store on Windows Server (starting at Win Server 2012 until the last version)?
MFA in Power BI Desktop
Some sources now require several steps of an authentification (MFA). Could you enable that option when connecting to a data source in Desktop?